Officers and Directors

Back row (left to right): Jim Lundy, Ammani Nagesh, Steven Jacobs, Juan Marcelino, Paul Atkins, Jamie Brigagliano, and David Fredrickson.
Front row (left to right): Heather Seidel, Heather Traeger, Patti Murphy, Annemarie Tierney, Hermine Wong, and Paul Roye.
Annemarie TierneyNew York, NY |
Heather TraegerTeacher Retirement System of Texas1000 Red River St.Austin, TX 78701 |
Vice President |
James LundyFoley & Lardner LLP321 N Clark St., Suite 3000Chicago, IL 60654 |
Treasurer |
Paul AtkinsPatomak Global Partners750 17th Street NWWashington, DC 20006 |
Brandon Becker SEC, RetiredNew York, NY |
James BrigaglianoSEC, RetiredWashington, DC |
Wayne CarnallSEC, retiredFlorham Park, NJ |
Marc J. FagelSEC, retiredSan Francisco, CA |
David Fredrickson Covington & Burling LLPWashington, DC |
Patrick Gilmore DeloitteWashington, DC |
John F. Hartigan Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 300 South Grand Ave., 21st FL Los Angeles, CA 90071 |
Douglas W. HymanLewitas Hyman PC 161 N. Clark St. - Suite 1600Chicago, IL 60601 |
Steven C. JacobsEY1101 New York Ave., NWWashington, DC 20005 |
Ken C. Joseph New York, NY |
Randall R. LeeSEC, retired Los Angeles, CA
Juan MarcelinoSEC, RetiredBoston, MA |
Patricia MurphyAlvarez and Marsal600 Madison Ave., 7th FloorNew York, NY 10022 |
Ammani NageshKirkland & Ellis1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NEWashington, DC 20004 |
Paul RoyeSEC, RetiredNorfolk, VA |
Heather SeidelFINRAWashington, DC 20006 |
Kristin Snyder Debevoise & Plimpton650 California StSan Francisco, CA 94108 |
Hermine Wongherminewong.xyzSan Francisco, CA |
Past Presidents 2020-2023 Brandon Becker2018-2020 Julie Bell Lindsay2016-2018 Brian V. Breheny2014-2016 Thomas L. Riesenberg2012-2014 Jonathan G. Katz2010-2012 Amy Goodman2008-2010 John Hartigan2007-2008 Martha L. Cochran2006-2007 Robert Friese2004-2006 Sheldon Goldfarb2002-2004 Richard Morvillo2000-2002 Kathleen Gallagher1998-2000 Howard Schiffman1996-1998 Richard Jacobson1994-1996 Frank Razzano1992-1994 Marvin Pickholz |
Directors Emeritus
Brian V. BrehenyWayne CarlinMartha L. CochranLinda D. FienbergKathleen G. GallagherAmy GoodmanJonathan G. KatzAndre OwensMarvin PickholzFrank RazzanoTom RiesenbergJonathan SokobinLinda ThomsenElisse Walter |