
Officers and Directors

 Back row (left to right): Jim Lundy, Ammani Nagesh, Steven Jacobs, Juan Marcelino, Paul Atkins, Jamie Brigagliano, and David Fredrickson.
Front row (left to right): Heather Seidel, Heather Traeger, Patti Murphy, Annemarie Tierney, Hermine Wong, and Paul Roye.




Annemarie Tierney
New York, NY
Heather Traeger
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
1000 Red River St.
Austin, TX  78701
Vice President
James Lundy
Foley & Lardner LLP
321 N Clark St., Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60654                                   



Paul Atkins
Patomak Global Partners
750 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Brandon Becker
SEC, Retired
New York, NY
James Brigagliano
Sidley Austin LLP
1501 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
Wayne Carnall
SEC, retired
Florham Park, NJ
Marc J. Fagel
SEC, retired
San Francisco, CA
David Fredrickson
Covington & Burling LLP
Washington, DC
Patrick Gilmore
Washington, DC
John F. Hartigan
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
300 South Grand Ave., 21st FL
Los Angeles, CA  90071
Douglas W. Hyman
Lewitas Hyman PC
161 N. Clark St. - Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60601    
Steven C. Jacobs
1101 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Ken C. Joseph
Kroll LLC
New York, NY 10055
Randall R. Lee
Cooley LLP
355 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Juan Marcelino
SEC, Retired
Boston, MA
Patricia Murphy
Alvarez and Marsal
600 Madison Ave., 7th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Ammani Nagesh
Kirkland & Ellis
1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20004
Paul Roye
SEC, Retired
Norfolk, VA
Heather Seidel
Washington, DC 20006
Hermine Wong
San Francisco, CA
Past Presidents
2020-2023    Brandon Becker
2018-2020    Julie Bell Lindsay
2016-2018    Brian V. Breheny
2014-2016    Thomas L. Riesenberg
2012-2014    Jonathan G. Katz
2010-2012    Amy Goodman
2008-2010    John Hartigan
2007-2008    Martha L. Cochran
2006-2007    Robert Friese
2004-2006    Sheldon Goldfarb
2002-2004    Richard Morvillo
2000-2002    Kathleen Gallagher
1998-2000    Howard Schiffman
1996-1998    Richard Jacobson
1994-1996    Frank Razzano
1992-1994    Marvin Pickholz

Directors Emeritus   

Brian V. Breheny
Wayne Carlin
Martha L. Cochran
Linda D. Fienberg
Kathleen G. Gallagher
Amy Goodman
Jonathan G. Katz
Andre Owens
Marvin Pickholz
Frank Razzano
Tom Riesenberg
Jonathan Sokobin
Linda Thomsen
Elisse Walter